Sunday, August 26, 2007

Glaceau Vitamin Water XXX: You Had Me At 'Reverse Osmosis Water'

glaceau-vitamin-waterAside from my daily double cappuccino, the drink most likely to be seen in my hand these days is a bottle of XXX Glaceau Vitamin Water. And not just because it has this on the label:

c'mon on get your mind out of the gutter. we only named this drink XXX because it has the power of triple antioxidants to help keep you healthy and fight free radicals. so in case you're wondering, this does not cost $1.99 /minute or contain explicit adult content or anything considered uncensored. it has not gone wild during spring break nor will clips of it be passed around the internet like a certain hotel heiress, and it has never been seen live or nude, but is definitely au naturale.

And the first ingredient is listed as "vapor distilled, deionized, and/or reverse osmosis water." I kid you not.

And they've got a crazy website to boot.

In the interest, or lack, of disclosure, I was not paid or compensated to profess my love for this product. But if the manufacturers are moved to send me a case of XXX that may very well likely move my love to a whole other level.

Author's Note: No, I didn't write this review to see how many hits I would get by putting 'XXX' and 'love' in the same sentence.

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